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What can you do in one hour? We think with one hour, you can write one great blog post. Are you up for the challenge? Join hundreds of other marketers and business owners on Thursday, January 23 at 12 EST as they take to their own blog, write for one hour, and publish the results at 1:00 EST. Learn more below.


How to enter:

Step 1: Invite others from your company to join! The more the merrier.

Step 2: Block off your calendar from 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST on January 23.

Step 3: Use the Blog Topic Generator to help you choose a topic to write about. Don't cheat! Blogging begins at 12:00 PM EST and ends at 1:00 PM EST.

Step 4: Publish your post at 1:00 PM EST, and tweet it out with the #blogfor30 hashtag no later than 1:10 PM EST on January 23. We will pick the best post and write up an analysis of why the post was the best. 

Step 5: Check out the other posts companies wrote in an hour!

