How to Sell:

One Liner Value Proposition

HubSpot Conversations is the universal inbox built for all sources and all teams to help you build 1-1 relationships at scale.

Why Conversations?

Conversations today should be fluid. Kickoff a conversation over live chat; follow up with an email; and work through the details over the phone -- all without missing a beat.

But for businesses, siloed tools and siloed teams have resulted in siloed conversations and poor customer experienced. Until today.

Conversations is the universal inbox that gives sales, marketing, and customer service teams one place to view, manage, and reply to all conversations -- regardless of whether they come through email or live chat.

Best of all, conversations is built on top of HubSpot’s free CRM so teams can have complete context into every interaction and build a crystal-clear view of each and every contact over time.

Product Resources

  • Conversations Product Page
  • Conversations Pitch Deck
  • Conversations Copy Bank
  • Conversations Screenshots
  • Bots in Marketing Masterclass
  • Conversational Selling Masterclass

How to Demo Conversations?

Coming Soon!

How Does the Pricing Work?

Conversations is a free, platform level feature of HubSpot CRM. There are additional Professional and Enterprise level features available when a customer purchases a Professional or Enterprise level product.

If you’re interested in understanding how the features stack up across each Hub and product level, check out this chart.

Customer Fit

The most obvious customer segment to target are companies that plan to implement or have implemented live chat software. It would also make sense to propose HubSpot Conversations as a solution for clients that struggle to manage incoming prospect and customer inquiries.

We asked a few partners who they thought was a good-fit for HubSpot Conversations. Here’s what they said:

Anyone that's already using HubSpot for their CRM & Marketing is an obvious fit. Any clients that have a simple qualification system with clear conversion paths and know where they want to direct their leads is a good-fit as well.  -- Revenue River

Anyone that's having conversations with their customers online is a good fit for this tool. The unified inbox is a great way to service clients. - Impulse Creative

If engagement and more personal, 1x1 conversations is important to your client, HubSpot Conversations will be a good addition.  -- Imagine Business Development.

Go-To-Market Strategy

Tips from Partner Experts

Do you need ideas to start generating business with Conversations?
Here’s how some of our early adopters are thinking about including HubSpot Conversations in client engagements: