Expanding Agency Services:
Marketing Hub Edition

How to grow clients better with marketing services

The Inbound Methodology: A Refresh

Inbound is a method of attracting, engaging, and delighting people to grow a business that provides value and builds trust. As technology shifts, inbound guides an approach to doing business in a human and helpful way.

Inbound is a better way to market, a better way to sell, and a better way to serve your customers. Because when good-for-the-customer means good-for-the-business, your company can grow better over the long term.

For more information on Inbound Marketing, visit this page.


The Value of Marketing Services

  1. Generate more leads for our customers sales team to close and grow their business.
  2. Build broader awareness and favorable perception of brands that will affect brand-choice and loyalty.
  3. Improve the marketing efficiency of a customers business through your added value.
  4. Stats:
    1. Only about 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates. (Econsultancy, 2016)
    2. 90% of searchers haven’t made their mind up about a brand before starting their search. (Status Labs, 2018)
    3. 61% of marketers say generating traffic and leads is their top challenge. (HubSpot 2018)

To Get Started, Let's Learn the Inbound Marketing Fundamentals

In this HubSpot Academy lesson you’ll gain an understanding of: 

  • Inbound marketing techniques
  • Core tactics of inbound marketing
  • How to advance your skills as an inbound marketer

For further learning, take the inbound marketing certification.

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Now That You Know the Framework, What Services Can You Offer?

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There is a number of things your agency can do to help get a client started with marketing services.

  • Inbound strategy development
  • Buyer persona development
  • Content strategy
  • Technical implementation
  • Reporting setup
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Traffic Generation

Traffic generation is a key to inbound marketing success.

  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • Social Publishing
  • Ad Development
  • Video
  • Other Content Creation

Lead Conversion

Once you've helped your client successfully drive traffic to their website, the next step is to convert.

  • Conversion Path Creation
  • Social Selling Enablement
  • Social Prospecting
  • A/B Testing
  • Ad Campaign Management
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Lead Nurturing

After you've generated leads, you, want to convert them into paying customers for your client.

  • Lead nurturing & automation
  • Email Marketing
  • Automation
  • MOFU/BOFU Offer Creation
  • Personalized Content
  • Lead Scoring
  • Sales & Marketing Alignment
  • CRM Integration
  • Closed Loop Reporting

How to Price and Package These Services


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For help with pricing and packaging these services, HubSpot offers a few useful options:

  1. Read our Guide to Partner Services with HubSpot
  2. Take our new Pricing and Packaging Services Course
  3. Use our new Pricing and Packaging Tool
  4. Reach out to your CAM after you've gone through the pricing and packaging tool and workbook.

How Do You Deliver These Services? You Use HubSpot Marketing Hub.

Marketing Hub includes a full suite of tools that grow traffic and convert more visitors into customers. With tools such as landing pages, automation, analytics and so much more, you’ll have everything you need to grow your customers business. Below are the tools and features that enable you to deliver marketing services.

Go-to-Market Tips

Coming Soon...

Getting Started with Marketing Hub

These helpful resources will provide you with the foundational information you'll need to know about Marketing Hub and the features included that will help you deliver your marketing services.
Powering Up Your Account

The Guide to Getting Started with Marketing Hub


Marketing Hub Software Certification

Understanding Marketing Hub


Marketing Hub is the all-in-one sales solution that helps small to medium marketing teams grow traffic, convert leads and track their entire funnel in one place. All of this while creating a personalized experience for your buyers.




Attract more targeted traffic to your pages. Design a responsive website without any coding. Use the content strategy tool to build relevant content and get found with SEO.

Convert more leads. Create landing pages, embed video, add CTAs and engage with prospects to convert.

Close more deals. Increase sales by giving each lead the personal attention they need at scale. Follow up with relevant drip email campaigns, use smart content and use the CRM to segment audiences.

Delight more customers. Turn customers into excited advocates by delivering post-purchase value. With marketing automation, smart content and more you’ll increase referrals, upsells and customer loyalty.


Marketing Hub Resources

All the resources you need to market, position, sell and deliver sales services with Marketing Hub.

Marketing Resources

  1. Product screenshots
  2. Promo video
  3. Customer Quotes
  4. Traditional vs Digital  - blog
  5. How to Create & Execute a Successful Lead Gen Strategy - blog



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Sales Enablement Resources

  1. Battlecard
  2. Pitch deck
  3. Growth Platform deck
  4. Why Got HubSpot?
  5. Customer case study video
  6. Customer case study
  7. All case studies
  8. Customer fit

Client Onboarding Resources

  1. Checklist: sample on-boarding timeline
  2. Academy Lesson: Inbound marketing fundamentals
  3. Knowledge base: Getting started with Marketing Hub
  4. Academy Lesson: Inbound Marketing Certification
  5. Academy Lesson: Marketing Hub Software Certification
  6. Academy Lesson: Email Marketing Certification

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