Expanding Services:
Sales Hub Edition

How to grow clients better with sales services

The Inbound Methodology: A Refresh

Inbound is a method of attracting, engaging, and delighting people to grow a business that provides value and builds trust. As technology shifts, inbound guides an approach to doing business in a human and helpful way.

Inbound is a better way to market, a better way to sell, and a better way to serve your customers. Because when good-for-the-customer means good-for-the-business, your company can grow better over the long term.


Why is Expanding Into Sales Services a Good Idea?


A successful inbound strategy requires seamless handoff and alignment between marketing and sales.

When you help clients align their sales and marketing teams, you’re able to prove ROI for the services you offer, help clients grow their revenue faster, and enable future investment in marketing programs.

Plus, the HubSpot Growth Suite makes it easy to work sales services into your agency’s existing strategy.

To learn more about sales services and how to build them into your business, take the Grow Accounts Better with Sales Services course in the Academy.

Fighting Friction in the Flywheel

A successful inbound strategy relies on the momentum of happy customers to drive referrals and repeat sales.

The amount of momentum you have depends on two things: force (points of leverage) and friction (things that are holding you back).

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As a HubSpot Certified Partner, you are uniquely positioned to help teams reduce friction in their sales process  -- and we’ve developed a framework to help you do just that.

Learn more about Frictionless Selling.

Now That You Know the Framework, What Services Can You Offer?

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CRM Implementation

  • Define deal stages and custom fields
  • Initial CRM data migration
  • Lead routing and ongoing audits
  • CRM data - ongoing cleanup
  • Build custom views for reps
  • Build custom reports for managers
  • Build custom objects/fields

Sales & Marketing Alignment

  • Buyer profile creation
  • Buyer persona creation
  • Define MQL/SQLs
  • Define lead stages
  • Define SLAs and reporting
  • Develop a content plan
  • Establish feedback mechanism
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Sales Enablement

  • Set up conversations tool
  • Set up calling tool
  • Set up workflows and automation
  • Email template creation and optimization
  • Sequence creation and optimization
  • Sales document library build out
  • Case study creation
  • Prospecting automation with 'meetings' link
  • Prospecting support
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Sales Coaching

  • Sales rep coaching
  • Sales rep sales training
  • Sales leadership training
  • Create sales playbooks
  • General sales management activities
  • Sourcing and interviewing candidates
  • New hire onboarding
  • Exit interviews

How to Price and Package These Services


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For help with pricing and packaging these services, HubSpot offers a few useful options:

  1. Read our Guide to Partner Services with HubSpot
  2. Take our new Pricing and Packaging Services Lesson
  3. Use our new Pricing and Packaging Tool
  4. Examples of services pages: Revenue River, SmartBug
  5. Reach out to your CAM after you've gone through the pricing and packaging tool workbook

How Do You Deliver These Services? Using HubSpot Sales Hub.

Sales Hub includes a full suite of tools that save your clients time at every stage of the sales process. Below are the tools and features that enable you to deliver sales services.

Go-to-Market Tips

Getting Started with Sales Hub

These helpful resources will provide you with the foundational information you'll need to know about Sales Hub and the features included that will help you deliver your sales services.
Powering Up Your Account
The Guide to Getting Started with Sales Hub
Sales Hub Software Academy Training Lesson

Understanding Sales Hub


Sales Hub is the all-in-one sales solution that helps small to medium sales teams grow their revenue by creating a human-friendly experience for sales reps and the people they’re selling to. HubSpot Sales Hub isn’t just a CRM. It’s not just a suite of sales acceleration tools. It’s a platform that enables teams to build a modern sales stack that uses our tools alongside our integration partners. To learn more, check out our Sales Hub Positioning Guide.

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Automate outreach without being impersonal. Queue up a sequence of personalized follow-up emails and reminders that get delivered automatically at the right time.

Create and share email templates. Turn repetitive emails into templates, measure performance and share the best ones across the team.

Follow up flawlessly. Get notified the instant prospects open an email, click a link or open an attachment for timely, relevant follow up.

Land more meetings. Connect with prospects through live chat on your website, and stop back and forth emails and missed calls by sending a link that lets them pick the best time.

Track your entire pipeline. Sync with HubSpot CRM to track deals won, lost and in progress, and to see which reps are your best performers (and why).

Customer Fit:

Sales Hub is a great fit for companies with 10-2,000 employees that want to grow better in the new age of personal selling. The ideal customer is not heavily invested in a CRM. For more info check out this one-sheeter.


Sales Hub Resources

All the resources you need to market, position, sell and deliver sales services with Sales Hub.

Marketing Resources

  1. Download and use product screenshots
  2. Download and use the Sales Hub overview video
  3. Customer testimonials and reviews
  4. Sell Like a Human - blog
  5. How to Sell the Way Prospects Buy - blog
  6. The Ultimate Guide to Sales Process - blog



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Sales Enablement Resources

  1. [Sales Tool] Comparison Card
  2. [Academy] Selling sales services
  3. [Pitch Deck] Sales Hub Enterprise
  4. [Sales Tool] Why Go HubSpot?

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