How to Position & Sell:
HubSpot Ads Tool

Value Proposition

The HubSpot Ads tool gives you CRM-powered targeting, the ability to report on data at every stage of the flywheel and automation capabilities that allow you to manage your leads at scale and with efficiency. All from one, single platform and one single source of data.


Selling Stories & Use-Cases

This section gives you additional soundbites to articulate why customers should use the HubSpot ads tool over competing point solutions or native ad platforms. 

Better Targeting & Personalization for higher ROAS
With HubSpot, your ads can not only be targeted at the right users but also optimized towards the right conversions based on what stage they’re at in their buyers journey. 
Automate your Ads for a seamless marketing execution
HubSpot’s automation tools mean you can eliminate a lot of manual execution work and automate lead follow up at scale - something you can’t achieve easily with other solutions.  
Manage all your Marketing from one place
Connect all of your company’s ad accounts across teams and geographies. Manage your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google ad campaigns, all within HubSpot, without having to jump between several different tools. 
Granular reporting
Use attribution to understand how your ads are performing at different stages of the buyer’s journey. See exactly which contacts clicked on your ads. Not just the sum total of interactions – the specific contacts that took an action on your ads.
No developer support required
Get started right away - connect your accounts, apply your tracking pixels, and start syncing leads with just a few clicks. No developer or IT setup required.

This section outlines how the HubSpot Ads tool solves for our customers’ pain points in a way that’s unique from the solutions already on the market - and how our features enable this.

Target using CRM Data
  • Retargeting 
  • Ads Optimization Events
  • Lookalike audiences
  • Campaign management

Report on the entire Flywheel 

  • Full funnel ROI reporting
  • Ads Attribution Reporting
  • Conversion Reporting

Automate Lead Follow up

  • Dynamic audiences
  • Lead Syncing 
  • Custom fields
  • Ad Sequencing 
  • Embedded Workflows


Built on top of a CRM

  • Other systems only integrate with them
  • This lets you get extremely targeted with your ads using granular customer data
  • Syncing of contacts happens automatically between the two systems - no need for manual sync

Built alongside all your marketing tools

  • Align your ads messaging with all your other marketing efforts -- creating a consistent narrative for your customers.

Built alongside sales tools

  • Attribute ads to deals won and report on true advertising ROI

Examples of Agency Services


  1. Setup and connect accounts (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn)
  2. Install tracking pixels
  3. Setup attribution reporting


  1. Research audiences
  2. Craft content strategy
  3. Create retargeting audiences
  4. Build social media strategy
  5. Build paid search strategy
  6. Build integrated ad strategy


  1. Create lead ads
  2. Create paid search ads
  3. Build in lead automation workflows
  4. Launch campaigns and optimize
  5. Engage sales team on SLAs

Management & Maintenance

  1. Monitor and test CTAs/Landing pages/creative performance
  2. Campaign tracking/budgeting

Good Fit Targets

Marketing Hub Enterprise Customer

Marketing Hub Pro Customers

Non HubSpot Customer

Has high Ad spend
Priority #1
Priority #2
Priority #5
Actively running Ads, but low Ad spend
Priority #3
Priority #4
Priority #6

Demo Walkthrough

HubSpot Ads Methodology

Journey based advertising is a methodology for effective Inbound advertising that we advocate at HubSpot. This methodology is especially useful for partners or customers who are new to the concept of how advertising works with Inbound. I’ve included some resources here which will be useful to share.

Advertising to your audience at every stage of their buyer’s journey, and changing your strategy to meet the unique needs of your audience at each stage.

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Partner Tips