sempo logoA recent Pew Internet study revealed that 92% of U.S. adults use search engines to find information on the Web. Such data reinforces HubSpot’s interest in the future of search.

This curiosity in search has prompted us to get involved with SEMPO Boston and host an upcoming panel on “The Evolution of Search.” Search marketing professions will join us at the HubSpot offices on October 26 to discuss real-time search, social media and other search updates. The panel of speakers includes Brian Whalley, SEO & Website Manager at HubSpot, Matthew S. Diehl, Senior SEO Strategist at Charles River Interactive, and Sherwood Stranieri, Founder of Skypromote SEO. The discussion will be moderated by Adria Kyne, Director of User Experience and Search Marketing at Valassis Communications.

In the last couple of years, search has been rapidly changing. Google has rolled out continuous updates to Google+ in an attempt to improve real time search. Bing seeks to deliver more personalized search experiences and Yahoo! has been working on redesigning its search results pages to streamline the user’s search experience. How are these changes going to affect marketers?

This is the predominant question we’d like to see answered during the upcoming SEMPO panel. The discussion will tackle not only high-level questions, but will also cover practical tips that businesses can immediately take and apply to their search marketing strategy. In other words, we’ll explore how marketers can prepare for the future of search and stay ahead of the curve.

Finding this event interesting? Sign up for the panel on the SEMPO website and join us for a productive morning of good discussions and networking. Hope to see you there!

Originally published Oct 19, 2011 8:21:00 AM, updated January 17 2023
