Today we are happy to roll out a new and greatly improved version of HubSpot’s Integration. The Connector is what has enabled HubSpot Customers to integrate rich lead tracking data from HubSpot into their platforms so that sales teams could have lead tracking data at their fingertips when they contact prospects. The first " connector" was introduced in 2007. Since then, two things have changed: (1) Both platforms have evolved significantly and (2) we’ve learned a great deal about how customers use and need to use the integration.  After a ton of customer feedback and a great deal of coffee – we have rebuilt the connector to drastically improve its functionality.  Major improvements are detailed below and you can find a breakdown of all developments in HubSpot’s Help Docs 


Leads come into your account through a number of different avenues.  Some convert from a whitepaper or other offer on your website. Others contact sales directly and are added manually. Most likely a lead will have a number of interactions with your company both on and off your site. HubSpot’s new release of the Connector is able to locate existing leads and contacts with the same email address and merge them into one record, integrating that lead’s entire history of interactions with your company, rather than creating duplicates in the system. 

Faster Syncing Between Systems with Massive Scaleability

The Connector has always triggered syncing between HubSpot and Salesforce whenever a new lead converts for the first time.  With the new release, we’ve taken that trigger system further. Today, whenever a new or existing lead shows activity on your website or converts on a website offer, HubSpot immediately begins to update the data in The result is faster synching and more timely data on your leads. In addition, the new integration can sync systems with tens of millions of records. 

Better Closed-Loop Reporting

One of the greatest benefits of integrating HubSpot and Salesforce is the ability to see which marketing activities led to new customers for your company and to quantify how your marketing efforts have contributed to the bottom line.  We call this prospect-to-customer data: “Closed-Loop Reporting” and the new version of the Connector enhances it like never before.

 In the original connector, HubSpot could only provide closed-loop data on opportunities that originally came in through a marketing conversion form.  Which meant it wouldn’t work if a lead was acquired through a sales call, but then became positively influenced by the marketing materials. Today, HubSpot can show closed loop reporting for any customer, regardless of how they came into the system.  We’re especially excited about what this will mean for marketers who will start to get better data on the impact of their marketing investments.

If you're a Salesforce customer but not a HubSpotter, you can request a free, customized assessment of your website today.

 Available to new customers; existing customers please contact your support rep to book a migration date.

Originally published Jan 1, 2012 10:38:00 AM, updated January 17 2023

