HubSpot has released a new app within its app marketplace that aims to drastically simplify the process of monitoring and evaluating paid search campaigns.  Developed by Website Publicity, the Google Adwords Dashboard gives users a complete view of the effectiveness of their Adwords Campaigns from click-through rate to conversion to customer acquisition.  

Taking ROI a Step Beyond Google Adwords

Google Adwords can tell you the click-through rate of your PPC campaigns. With an additional level of set-up, you can also start to see the corresponding conversion rate on your landing pages. Both of these are interesting metrics. The trouble is, they still don’t really get at whether or not you’re getting your money’s worth. Marketers are still left with questions: 

  • Are the leads they're getting from PPC any good?
  • Does the money they're spending on PPC campaigns come back in new customers?

To understand your return on investment, you have to trace your paid Adwords campaigns all the way down to the number of customers your campaigns generated. The Google Adwords Dashboard fills in this critical gap in information. 

Providing Actionable Data on Number of Sales Driven and Cost Per Customer

Not all leads are good leads.  How do you differentiate the campaigns that brought in serious buyers rather than unqualified leads?  By connecting customer data to the Google Adwords campaign that initially brought them in, The Google Adwords Dashboard in HubSpot can show marketers where to invest more and where trim back. 

In the example below, both highlighted campaigns have a similar cost per lead, which might result in a marketer weighing them equally in terms of investments.  Adding in the customer acquisition data however paints another picture. Only one of the campaigns has resulted in a customer.  

screenshot PPC app

Uniting all Search Tools Under One Interface

The Google Adwords Dashboard is available for purchase to Professional and Enterprise customers as part of HubSpot's App Marketplace, an effort by HubSpot to tap into the ever-growing potential of integrations and third-party applications. By bringing all of these tools and apps together, HubSpot aims to create a central place where marketers can access everything they need to make smarter marketing decisions, attract and convert quality leads and evaluate their ROI.  

HubSpot welcomes all developers interested in working in this marketplace. Developers can get involved by joining our discussion group at and starting to hack.  The group is open to public and free, does not require a HubSpot account, and is filled with other developers happy to help out.

Originally published Dec 19, 2011 11:29:00 AM, updated January 17 2023