--Over 150 Small Businesses Turn to HubSpot for Internet Marketing System--

News Facts

  • The way people research and purchase products and services has changed in recent years as more people rely on the Internet to find the information they need to make purchasing decisions.
  • Because of this, marketers at small businesses must rethink their marketing. Older outbound marketing programs like print advertising, tradeshows, direct mail and telemarketing are not as effective as they used to be.
  • Companies need a strategy to get found by more prospects and convert higher percentages of them into paying customers.
  • The HubSpot Inbound Marketing System helps companies transform their marketing so they can become a hub for conversations in their market, helping them to get found by more prospects and convert higher percentages of them to customers.
  • HubSpot helps you get found by more prospects:
  • Get found in search engines - Get more prospects to your website from search engines by finding the best keywords, creating search engine optimized content, monitoring your inbound links and tracking your keyword ranking over time.
  • Use the blogosphere - Start your own blog, comment on other blogs and measure the results of your blogosphere efforts.
  • Tap into social media - Get your company and content noticed on the web and measure the business effect of your social media program.
  • HubSpot helps you convert more prospects into customers:
  • Use smart landing pages - Non-technical marketers can build landing pages with lead forms designed with best practices in mind to convert more website visitors into leads.
  • Leverage lead intelligence - Have a better sales conversation with leads with automatic lead intelligence, including information like how they found you and a full history of their interaction with your company website, blog and more.
  • Improve with marketing analytics - Measure and optimize your programs with our marketing analytics that combine marketing events with web traffic and leads in a single interface.
  • Small businesses have historically been underserved in terms of marketing products and services because the available products were expensive, complex and required IT support.
  • HubSpot is designed for non-technical marketing people and requires no IT staff.
  • HubSpot had been in a private beta program but still grew to over 150 paying customers.
  • Starting today HubSpot is open to the public for demonstrations and sales.
  • Pricing for HubSpot starts at $250 per month.

Video of HubSpot's CEO on HubSpot's vision and product:

Links for more information:

Request a HubSpot demo

HubSpot's Internet Marketing Blog

Hubspot's Company News

Quote, attributable to Brian Halligan, CEO and Founder, HubSpot

"In recent years, there has been a shift in marketing as more people are catching on that the old way of doing things is no longer getting the job done. Using inbound Internet marketing techniques can be hard for small business owners to implement as the tools available to them are expensive and complex - which is unfortunate as small businesses have the most to gain from the Internet and inbound marketing. With that in mind, we designed our system to be easy to use so small businesses can more effectively compete with their bigger competitors for prospects."

Quotes, attributable to Dave Kurlan, CEO, Objective Management Group

"When I started my blog, it was merely a way for me to express what was on my mind. It never had anything to do with building my brand or generating more leads for my business. Since I began working with HubSpot about nine months ago, I've seen traffic grow from about 800 visitors per month to over 5,000 per month and leads grew from about 15 per month in the second quarter to 70 per month in the third quarter."

"I spend about 30 minutes per day using HubSpot. I find the SEO and lead analytics components to be incredibly valuable and considering the increase in the number and quality of the leads that it helps me generate, HubSpot more than pays for itself."

About HubSpot

HubSpot is an inbound marketing system that helps your company get found online, generate more inbound prospects and convert a higher percentage of them into paying customers. HubSpot helps companies get found by more prospects using search engine optimization and marketing, leveraging blogs and the blogosphere and engaging in online social media. By using landing pages, lead intelligence and marketing analytics, HubSpot customers convert more prospects into paying customers. Based in Cambridge MA, HubSpot Internet marketing can be found at www.hubspot.com and the Website Grader free SEO Tool is available at www.websitegrader.com.

Originally published Dec 3, 2007 8:00:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Public Relations