HubSpot is happy to introduce a brand new report to our analytics suite. The Conversion Assists Report, which is available to professional and enterprise level HubSpot customers, shows you which pages on your website were most commonly viewed by people who ended up converting as leads or customers. Use the Conversion Assists report to help you elevate highly influential pages on your site and understand your true marketing funnel.

What’s different about it:

The conversion assists report is different from other analytics reports in two key ways:

  • It enables you to separate the buyers from the browsers: When analyzing your website page-views, it can be difficult to discern the behavior of potential buyers from that of unqualified browsers. This report examines only the website visitors who ended up converting as a lead and buying. By understanding what pages buyers most frequently view, as opposed to the pages browsed by general traffic, you can prioritize and improve pages that you know work.
  • It shows you middle-of-the-funnel behavior: For most customers, decision processes take several steps. Typically analytics only show you a customer’s first interaction with your website or the last page that customer viewed before converting, and while that’s important, it's not a complete view. With the conversions assist report, you can get a better sense of what website content is influencing prospects and leads throughout their research and buying process.

The new report was rolled out to existing professional and enterprise customers on Thursday, March 15th. It can be found under the Analyze tab with the other reports. Basic-level customers wishing to demo the report or upgrade can contact HubSpot for more information.  


Originally published Mar 15, 2012 11:27:00 AM, updated January 17 2023

