On the heels of the new conversion assists report, HubSpot is announcing the launch of a brand new landing page analytics report.  Rolled out on March 21st to all customers, the landing page analytics report measures the effectiveness of a company's landing pages at generating submissions, new leads and customers over time.  

Landing pages - pages with forms that enable a visitor to opt-in to something - are major decision points in the customer lifecycle. A number of factors go into landing page success, from the quality of the offer behind the form to the design of the page itself. HubSpot’s landing page analytics aims to help companies understand how their landing pages are working and what types of marketing offers deliver the best quality leads. 

Compare the Effectiveness of Multiple Landing Pages

Whether you are testing two pages or comparing seven, HubSpot enables companies to stack landing pages against each other to determine which is performing the best.  Users can view this comparison through a number of different filters including views, conversion rate, total submissions, new leads, and customers. You may have a page that is driving a ton of new leads, but generating very few customers over time.  Conversely, a page that has low traffic and fewer leads, may have a better conversion rate to customers. 

Track Landing Pages Over Time

Marketers work all the time to improve the effectiveness of their landing pages.  HubSpot's new landing page analytics report enables marketers to measure all of that hard work. Users can customize any of the views in the report so that it reports exactly the metrics they want to see, for precisely the time frame they're interested in. Then bookmark it for later recall.

Compare Different Types of Offers

Do whitepapers convert better than webinars?  What about certain topics? Which types of marketing offers generate the most views and which actually drive the bottom line? Marketers are constantly assessing how to optimize their content to better support conversions and sales. With the new landing page analytics, customers can create a bookmarked report for each offer type, e.g. whitepapers vs. free trials vs. free consultation. Then compare the data from each offer type to see which type works best. 

offers with border

More information about the landing page analytics can be found here.  Existing customers can get step-by-step instructions on using the tool in this documentation.  More additions and enhancements to HubSpot Analytics will be rolling out this season.  Stay tuned as those announcements are made on this blog. 

Originally published Mar 22, 2012 9:52:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Analytics Landing Pages Public Relations