Barely being able to contain ourselves from the excitement of the Hubspot 3 launch, we wanted to highlight some of the new features to help you create marketing people will love.

Integrating all of the elements of inbound marketing in one place, Hubspot 3 helps companies easily create useful content to pull people into their sites and highly personalized marketing to pull prospective customers through their decision process. Here's what's involved:

Contacts Database with Dynamic Lists:  The completely rebuilt contacts database (prospects, leads, customers) is really the brain of the new platform and provides a 360 degree view into your leads and customers. So that you can adapt to your customers needs and sync leads to when each lead is ready to talk to sales.

Hubspot 3 Contacts Database

Social Segmentation:  For each social share in HubSpot, you can see which of your leads and customers clicked on it, then add those contacts to a social media segment and follow-up with an email or smart CTA on a similar topic. You can also pull a smart list of all of your contacts with a large social following and a history of clicking on your lists. Find your evangelists and nurture them over time.

Hubspot 3 Social Segmentation

Landing Pages with A/B Testing: Landing pages have been rebuilt to be closely integrated with the Contacts database, CRM systems, email, dynamic components, and social media.  Using the new landing pages marketers can build, implement, and measure a full campaign in one place. There are a set of responsive and mobile friendly templates to work from and a live preview window.
Hubspot 3 landing pages

Smart Content: Smart content in HubSpot 3 comes in the form of Smart Fields, and Smart CTAs and Images. Built off the Contacts database, HubSpot 3 enables you to show dynamic images and CTAs that adapt to reflect the interests and stored qualities of the person viewing them.

  • Smart Fields:Smart fields adapt and minimize over time. As a company gathers contact information about a given lead, the forms remove fields that have been filled in past submissions, making it a frictionless process.
  • Smart CTAs: Built off the Contacts database, HubSpot 3 enables you to show images and CTAs that adapt to reflect the interests and stored qualities of the person viewing them. This is marketing customers will love!
  • Smart Lists: Smart lists are continually evolving contact lists based on a set of criteria. Each time an individual meets the rules of a smart list, they are added. You can create Smart Lists based on the value of a contact property, being a member of a static list, or having ever filled out a specific form.

Intelligent Email System: The email system is closely integrated with the contacts database, workflows social media, smart content, and landing pages. It includes hand crafted templates that have been tested across browsers and platforms, personalization using any detail from the contact database, and robust analytics.

Hubspot 3 Intelligent Email System

Workflows: Did we hear you want be more efficient? Workflows are here! They leverage the enormous amount of data in the Contacts database and a series of rules (triggers) set by the marketer to create dynamically evolving segments and automate marketing actions. More than email automation, workflow enables marketers to trigger campaigns, change contact profile properties, score leads, send notifications, and sync to a CRM system based on when a lead has met a set of conditions. 

Hubspot 3 Workflows

App & Service Marketplace:  No need to look for trusted service providers anymore. The marketplace has now grown to include more than 100 providers and 60+ add-ons to HubSpot.  The marketplace aims to ensure that HubSpot users will be able to personalize their HubSpot and never run out of functionality for their platform.

Hubspot goes mobile! HubSpot has released its first-ever mobile application. Now you can access your leads on the go in case you ever need to take that sales call. The app includes access to lead generation flow, marketing grader app, and a quick reference of contacts in the HubSpot platform.

Training & Education: To help make the most efficient use of Hubspot, we have also rebuilt customer training, launching HubSpot Academy, ongoing training with templates, webinars and other content aimed at helping companies of every size get the most out of their inbound marketing efforts.

Take a look at the initial announcement below from the 2012 Inbound Conference:

You can get more info about Hubspot 3 here:


Originally published Sep 11, 2012 4:02:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


Social Media Landing Pages Product Launches