HubSpot is excited to announce a Sales Rep user role and an updated Tracking URL Builder today. Both of these features were developed as a direct result of customer feedback. Here at HubSpot, we love hearing feedback from our customers on how we can make their lives as marketers easier. Direct customer feedback is invaluable to our product development process, and we have a number of channels for listening to customers like you.  (You can read more about our process in a recent blog article we published on How HubSpot Uses Customer Feedback.)

Sales Rep User Role

A few months back, we launched new user roles and permissions to give our customers more flexibility for giving their team access to their HubSpot account. These new user roles included specific permissions for Marketers, Content Creators, and Business Analysts in addition to the existing user roles of Administrator, Blog Author, and Blog Publisher. The response from customers was overwhelmingly positive, and they told us they wanted even more. Specifically, our customers were looking for a sales rep user role to give their team access to information relevant to the sales process.    

Today, we are launching a Sales Rep user role to our Professional and Enterprise customers.  This role gives the user access to:

  • Receive and configure the daily Prospect Digest emails and Lead Revisit Notifications
  • Specific Contact/Lead information from New Form Submission and Lead Revisit Notification emails
  • Prospect information from the daily Prospect Digest emails

This role provides limitations on data the user will have access to as well, including the inability to access apps under Content or Reports from the navigation, the inability to view the full list of contacts or archive a contact, and the inability to access the Lists or Workflows apps. You can view full information on setting up this user role in this help document.  

Updated Tracking URL Builder

HubSpot is launching an updated Tracking URL Builder to make creating and managing your tracking URLs even easier. If you're not familiar with them already, tracking URLs let you analyze your marketing campaigns in astonishing detail. HubSpot automatically creates tracking URLs for you in our Email and Social Media apps that allow you to see your visitors, leads, and customers sources segmented out in your Sources report.

For those customers that are looking to create their own custom tracking URLs, we have an updated app for you. Based on customer feedback, we’ve included a number of improvements to the builder in this release, including:

  • An updated interface that’s more consistent with the rest of your HubSpot
  • An easy way to search for URLs by name
  • The option to create short and long URLs as you wish
  • The ability to view your URLs by campaign name, campaign source, and created date
  • The ability to remove a tracking URL from the Tracking URL Manager

You can get started with the updated Tracking URL Builder by going to Settings -> Tracking URL Builder in your HubSpot account. You can read more about how to use them in this help doc.  

Tracking URL Builder

Both of these changes were the result of direct feedback we heard from HubSpot customers through our various feedback channels.  If you are a HubSpot customer and have ideas for future enhancements, please let us know.  We look forward to making your life as a marketer even easier.  

Originally published Nov 19, 2012 5:44:00 PM, updated January 17 2023