Want to learn how to improve your landing page conversion rates? Curious about how to set up a marketing automation workflow? Wondering if HubSpot lets you track your competitors (Hint: it totally does, check it out)?

We HubSpotters know our product is the bee’s knees, but we also understand that sometimes it can be hard to keep up-to-date on all the new developments. From people new to HubSpot to grizzled veterans who think they know every trick in the book, there are always new and exciting things to learn about.

But we don’t want you to go it alone, and since getting your questions answered is so crucial to making HubSpot work for you, we’re making it easier than ever with a new and improved help widget. Just click on that little “Need help?” tab in the lower right of the screen after you’ve signed in--before you know it you’ll be searching HubSpot’s database of tutorials, chatting with a friendly member of the support staff, or enrolled in a thorough and personalized course on a cool corner of the HubSpot platform you may never have heard of.


Want to get started on a webinar this minute? Head over to the Academy!--HubSpot Academy

Originally published Jan 11, 2013 3:51:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


Product Launches