The Popular Tool that has Evaluated Over 200,000 URLs Now Provides a More Comprehensive View and Recommendations for Internet Marketing

News Facts

  • The way people research and purchase products and services has changed as more people rely on the Internet when making purchasing decisions. Because of this, marketers must rethink their marketing approach.
  • Older outbound marketing programs like print advertising, tradeshows, direct mail and telemarketing are not as effective as they used to be. Companies need an inbound marketing strategy to get found by more prospects and convert higher percentages of them into leads and customers.
  • People who have relied on Website Grader in the past for tips on SEO can now turn to the free Marketing Grader tool to better understand how their Website and company are represented across the Internet.
  • Website Grader now provides a comprehensive inbound marketing score that incorporates Website traffic, search engines, the blogosphere, social media and other inbound marketing factors. What's new about Website Grader:
  • Enhanced Grade - A company is graded on both the Website and content across the Web, providing a 360-degree view of the company online
  • Keyword Grader - Keywords relevant to the company are graded to provide metrics on how the company is found in search engines by prospects
  • Interior Page Analysis - Pages beyond the home page are reviewed to see if they have the right attributes, grading the company's on-page SEO efforts
  • Blogosphere - The company's effectiveness in the blogosphere is graded by searching for the company's blog, evaluating its rank and the number of subscribers
  • Social Media - Presence in social media is evaluated by reporting where the company is bookmarked, how many votes it has received and on which directories it is located
  • People who use Website Grader now can expect a comprehensive analysis of inbound marketing, including the company's Website, as well as the company's presence throughout blogs, search engines and social media as well as a comparison to competitors.

Links for more information:
HubSpot's Internet Marketing Blog
HubSpot's Company News
Website Grader Free Marketing Tool

Quote, attributable to Brian Halligan, CEO and Founder, HubSpot
"Searching and buying patterns have changed and companies need to make sure they are evolving with people's new purchasing behaviors. With this understanding, we have expanded Website Grader beyond Website evaluation by casting a wider net and evaluating companies' full presence on the Web - their inbound marketing grade. Understanding how well a company or product is being found across the Internet as a whole allows companies to increase their chances of generating more inbound leads, which are more qualified than other lead sources."

About HubSpot
HubSpot is an inbound marketing system that helps your company get found online, generate more inbound prospects and convert a higher percentage of them into leads and customers. HubSpot helps companies get found by more prospects using search engine optimization and marketing, leveraging blogs and the blogosphere and engaging in online social media. By using landing pages, lead intelligence and marketing analytics, HubSpot customers convert more prospects into leads and customers. Based in Cambridge MA, HubSpot Internet marketing can be found at and the Website Grader free marketing tool is available at

Originally published Feb 6, 2008 9:30:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


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