"You Oughta Know Inbound Marketing" Video Reaches Over 14,000 Views in First 24 Hours
 News Facts
  • HubSpot, an Internet marketing company, released its new video, "You Oughta Know Inbound Marketing," on Monday about the advantages of inbound marketing compared to the shortcomings of outbound marketing and cold-calling.
  • HubSpot's video is a music video sung to the tune of Alanis Morissette's "Oughta Know."  The video features a disgruntled and raging female office employee singing lyrics about the inefficiency of outbound marketing tactics and the significance of using inbound marketing techniques such as blogging, search engine optimization, landing pages, RSS, pagerank and Twitter to obtain leads.
  • The video went viral within the first 24 hours of its release, reaching over 14,000 views on YouTube and achieving several YouTube honors, including rankings in the "Most Viewed" and "Top Favorited" categories and the top result in a YouTube search for the keyword "marketing."
  • The component pieces of the song and video are available on the Hubspot Internet Marketing Blog. The components are licensed under Creative Commons, Share Alike and are Podsafe.  Readers are encouraged to use the components to remix and share their own YouTube videos.
  • The video, lyrics and components can be found on the HubSpot Internet Marketing Blog at the following URL: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/4437/You-Oughta-Know-Inbound-Marketing.aspx 
Multimedia Elements:
Quote, Attributable to Mike Volpe, VP Marketing, HubSpot

"We love using creative ways to get the word out about HubSpot's products, services and philosophy.  Making a video that has the potential to be viral is not only a fun marketing technique but also a great way to exemplify the inbound marketing values HubSpot advocates."
About HubSpot
HubSpot is an Internet marketing system that helps your company get found online, generate more inbound leads and convert a higher percentage of them paying customers.  HubSpot helps companies get found by more prospects using search engine optimization and marketing, leveraging blogs and the blogosphere and engaging in online social media.  By using landing pages, lead intelligence and marketing analytics, HubSpot customers convert more prospects into leads and paying customers.  Based in Cambridge, MA, HubSpot can be found at http://www.hubspot.com.

Originally published Dec 11, 2008 4:18:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


Public Relations Video