With celebrities and major brands jumping on the Twitter bandwagon, it's becoming harder and harder to ignore microblogging. But how can Twitter be useful for your business, and how should you use it?

Tomorrow on a ClickZ webinar, Mike Volpe (@mvolpe) and I (@DanZarrella) will answer those questions and give you implementable best-practices to leverage Twitter to build your business.

We'll be covering the following topics from the data-based, how-to angle. We'll talk about:

  • How to setup your profile
  • Who to follow
  • How to get followers
  • How to get ReTweeted

So make sure to register for the webinar and don't hesitate to ask questions during it (either through the webinar software or on Twitter itself, using the #HubSpot hashtag).

Originally published Mar 30, 2009 4:05:00 PM, updated January 17 2023