Next week, three HubSpotters are taking the event and conference world by storm, with speaking engagements at three separate events - Girls in Tech, the NEDMA Annual Conference and the eMarketing Techniques Conference.

Product Owner Karen Rubin will kick off the week by speaking at the Girls in Tech Boston Meeting, focused on "Using Social Media in Your Organization."  The event, sponsored by Microsoft, will take place in Cambridge on Wednesday, May 6 from 6 to 9 p.m.  Karen will join a panel of social media experts who will discuss how to start thinking about implementing social media tools and concepts into your organization in an effective and beneficial way. Click here to register for the Girls in Tech meeting.

On Thursday, May 7, VP Inbound Marketing Mike Volpe will head to Bentley University to participate in the NEDMA Annual Conference, which starts on May 6 and takes place over two days.  This year's conference, "Marketing Shifts Gears: New Rules, New Tools, New Ways to Succeed," will include keynotes from renowned speakers, hands-on workshops and informative tracks with actionable advice.  Mike will lend his inbound marketing expertise, leading the "Marketing in a Recession - Getting More with Less" track alongside @Website Publicity's Michael Briggs.  To register for all or part of the NEDMA conference, please visit

Inbound Marketing Manager Rick Burnes will wrap up the week by keynoting The 3rd Annual eMarketing Techniques Conference in Cleveland, Ohio.  The conference will teach practical strategies, tactics and techniques for eMarketing that attendees can implement immediately.  Rick will use his keynote speech to impart his inbound marketing wisdom - how companies can capitalize on modern marketing techniques to generate leads and convert those leads into paying customers. To check out the conference's full agenda and register to attend, please visit  

HubSpot's speakers are looking forward to seeing you at one, two or all three of next week's events!

Girls in Tech, NEDMA, eMarketing Techniques

Originally published May 1, 2009 9:35:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Event Marketing Speaking