2009 Video Marketing Award Winner

Congratulations to HubSpot for winning a Video Marketing Award for its production of "You Oughta Know Inbound Marketing"! The video competed against three other finalists for the Best Production category -- Sweet Leaf Tea: The Movie, Enspire, and RankSpank.

"You Oughta Know Inbound Marketing" features a disgruntled office employee (played by HubSpotter Rebecca Corliss) whose fictional company relies on cold-calling for lead-generation.  After her boss chastises her for slacking off, she goes on a rampage throughout the office, throwing office supplies, annoying fellow employees (including me!) and belting original lyrics about inbound marketing to the tune of Alanis Morissette's 90's hit song, "Oughta Know."  The music video ends with everyone rocking out to the concept of inbound marketing.

The Video Marketing Awards were presented during an awards ceremony at the Video Marketing Expo on Wednesday, May 13.  VMX is designed to help businesses, marketers and video production professionals meet the challenges of delivering compelling and entertaining interactive online video. 

"You Oughta Know Inbound Marketing" was written, produced and directed by HubSpot's singing inbound marketer, Rebecca Corliss.  The video is also a 2009 Semmy award winner and a finalist in the 2009 NEDMA Awards for Creative Excellence, whose winners are scheduled to be announced on June 10.  Check out the award-winning video below and Rebecca's orginal lyrics at http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/4437/You-Oughta-Know-Inbound-Marketing.aspx.


Originally published May 15, 2009 8:16:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


Video awards