Today we are officially releasing Twitter Grader API to the public. Developers worldwide can now use our tool to quickly collect Twitter data and work on creative new projects.


That is what Twitroduce did, anyway. While Twitter Grader API was still in private alpha, Twitroduce requested Twitter Grader API access and built an innovative tool that allows you to "make a twitroduction between two of your Twitter friends." In this process, it offers screenshots of useful information like Twitter Grader scores.

And Twitter Grader scores, we have found, are important. A higher score indicates better use of the real-time micro-blogging platform. Twitter Grader provides diagnostic reports of Twitter usernames and measures their rankings based on various factors like follower ratio, update frequency and level of community engagement.

"What Twitter Grader is trying to measure is the power, reach and authority of a twitter account," wrote Dharmesh Shah, Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of HubSpot. "In other words, when you tweet, what kind of an impact does it have?"

It certainly has an impact for the Twitter Elite, an up-to-date list of top Twitter users that Twitter Grader maintains. We provide similar listings for top ranking users matching specific keywords and geographies. If you are a curious and experimental developer, get your hands on the Twitter Grader API data. Like Twitroduce, take "a Web 3.0 approach" and build something innovative.

Originally published Jul 16, 2009 7:08:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Social Media