Newspapers on Computer

Next Wednesday, August 5 at 1 p.m. EDT the ClickZ Network, ClickZ Social Media & Video Strategies, and Search Engine Strategies San Jose is hosting a webinar, "How to Be Smarter Than Your PR Agency - New Research on News Release Best Practices," sponsored by HubSpot and presented by VP Inbound Marketing Mike Volpe and Inbound Marketer and PR Specialist Rebecca Corliss.  The webinar will be moderated by Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online Marketing.

The webinar will answer questions such as: Does the social media news release really work? When you spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars on PR agency services and news releases, do you know if you're receiving the value you're paying for?

During the presentation Mike and Rebecca will reveal the findings of their study comparing social media news releases to traditional releases across different newswire services. The webinar will also show how to be smart with PR and understand news releases better than your agency might.

The webinar is completely free and specifically covers:

  • Why social media releases may not be as effective as traditional releases
  • How to format a press release to get more links to your site
  • What features to look for when picking a press release service
  • What happens behind-the-scenes after you submit a release to your newswire
  • Marketing & PR techniques that are more useful -- and cheaper -- than many typical PR methods

To register for the webinar, please visit

While the webinar will cover the study's results in greater detail, check out our summary of the study's findings at

Try out our free Press Release Grader tool to evaluate the marketing effectiveness of your news releases at

SES SearchEngineWatch ClickZ

Originally published Jul 28, 2009 10:38:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Public Relations Content Marketing