Business Development InstituteHubSpot is proud to be a sponsor of the upcoming B2B Social Communications Case Studies & Roundtables conference hosted by the Business Development Institute on Wednesday, September 16 in NYC.  The conference will demonstrate the best B2B case studies from leading organizations.

HubSpot Inbound Marketing Manager Rick Burnes is scheduled to present the following case study and roundtable topic:

Case Study

HubSpot Customer Generates More Leads and Customers Using Inbound Marketing

Rick will explain how one small business took advantage of modern, inbound marketing techniques -- search engine optimization, blogging and social media, as well as landing pages, lead intelligence and marketing analytics -- to get found by more prospects and convert higher percentages of these prospects into paying customers. Attendees will learn how this company transformed its marketing program by incorporating these inbound marketing tactics to lower cost per lead and generate more leads and customers. 

Roundtable Topic

Social Media for Lead Generation: Acquiring More Leads Through Sites Like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn 

Rick will lead a discussion about ways businesses can capitalize on social media techniques to attract more leads and ultimately more customers.

Some of the questions the B2B Social Communications conference will seek to answer include:

  • How do you leverage your organization's knowledge, thought leadership and experience to attract and retain customers on the social web?
  • What are the most innovative examples of how B2B organizations use real-time social media such as Twitter, and what's their business case to use them?
  • Why is the customer service function becoming social and how do leading B2B companies integrate service with social media?
  • How do organizations generate revenue directly from their social media initiatives?
  • How has social communications changed media relations and how are leading B2B companies providing content directly to their communities of customers, partners and employees?
  • How do you use social media to engage and empower your employees?
  • What are the best practices, tools and technologies to measure and monitor social communications?

For a full list of case studies and roundtable topics, visit

To register for the conference and get $40 off your ticket visit and use discount code SPEAKER.

Updated 8/31: Rick Burnes will take Mike Volpe's place at this conference.

Originally published Aug 25, 2009 10:21:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


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