Imperial ImageHubSpot's Rick Burnes, inbound marketing manager, will be part of the upcoming marketing broadcast show, "Visibility & Possibility," scheduled as a live event that will be broadcast and streamed live online through WDIS 1170 AM on Friday, September 18 at Centro Restaurant in downtown Lowell from 3 to 5 p.m.

"Visibility & Possibility" is a radio program hosted by Imperial Image that is focused on bringing together professionals in different marketing medias to discuss the top ways to get "visibility" in social media, interactive website media, blogging, networking and branding.

The broadcast marketing initiative, which includes a number of social media experts, will discuss how to bring simple, yet smart marketing, visual and social media strategies to business owners and marketing professionals.  The program's topics will provide listeners with insight on getting their voice out to their audience.

During the broadcast, Rick will present "Keys to Successful Blogging," discussing ways businesses can use blogs to attract new leads and customers.  He will explain how businesses that publish useful, high-quality content on their blog can drive significant new search engine and social media traffic, and will discuss how to get started with a new blog, how to attract readers to the blog and how to sustain the blog over a long period of time.

To check out the slideshow overview of Rick's segment, visit

To view the full list of speakers and register to attend the free live event, visit

Originally published Aug 27, 2009 12:40:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


Event Marketing Speaking