President ObamaYou may have heard that President Obama will be in our neck of the woods this Friday, October 23, to deliver a speech about clean energy at HubSpot founders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah's alma mater, MIT.

And if you've started reading their newly released Inbound Marketing book this week, you know all about HubSpot's appreciation for President Obama, particularly for his inbound marketing and social media prowess.  

"Regardless of your political views, you can apply the marketing principles Barack Obama used in his 2008 presidential campaign -- a brilliant example of how to effectively use inbound marketing to beat bigger, better-funded rivals."

- excerpt from Inbound Marketing 

With the president in town, we'd love nothing more than to invite him to HubSpot headquarters, down the street from MIT, for a quick visit and chat about his inbound marketing strategy at his convenience.  And and if he's willing, be a (very) special guest on our live Internet marketing video podcast, HubSpot TV on Friday at 4 p.m.

So what do you say, President Obama?  Will you stop by?

Help us show appreciation for President Obama's inbound marketing skills by tweeting this post at @BarackObama!

Originally published Oct 21, 2009 2:50:00 PM, updated January 17 2023