Inbound Marketing BookStill trying to determine whether the Inbound Marketing book is worth your time and money?  To help you decide -- one way or the other -- I've put together a list of book reviews from some well-respected and admired marketers.

Featured Review:

Find and Convert CEO, Bernie Borges' book review features an interview with Brian Halligan, HubSpot CEO and founder, and author of Inbound Marketing. 

Audio MP3 IconDownload Bernie's podcast interview with Brian Halligan, and find the full article at

More Book Reviews:

And, for a little laugh, Inbound Marketing Disclosed: A One Minute Book Review by Steve Garfield.

Of course, the only way to really tell if you'll like the book is to find out for yourself.  Place your order now at

Originally published Oct 28, 2009 12:07:00 PM, updated January 17 2023