Have you heard about the newest of our free marketing tools, Book Grader

Book Grader is a diagnostic tool for authors to track and improve the marketing of their books online. The tool was developed by HubSpot co-founder and CTO Dharmesh Shah to track the success of the Inbound Marketing book, co-authored by Dharmesh and HubSpot founder and CEO Brian Halligan. The book, released on October 19, 2009 by Wiley, serves as a how-to guide to inbound marketing for businesses.

Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs shows that inbound marketing-focused businesses have a 61% lower cost per lead than traditional outbound-focused businesses. The book teaches readers how to improve rankings in Google to get more traffic, build and promote a business blog, grow and nurture a community on social networks, measure the metrics that matter and do more of what works online.

Since its release, the book has been part of the Amazon.com Top 100 Business Books bestsellers list for 21 consecutive days. The book has received a number of positive reviews from marketing and business experts such as Chris Brogan (Website Grade 99.3), Rand Fishkin (Website Grade 99.4), Guy Kawasaki (Website Grade 94) and David Meerman Scott (Website Grade 95.5), and has also been featured in major media publications such as Small Business Trends (Website Grade 99.7).

The book has also been a popular topic of discussion on social networking sites such as Twitter (#inbound) and has accumulated 23 five-star customer reviews on Amazon.com. Readers have called the book "required reading for any business owner," "an ideal read for anyone seeking a successful marketing strategy without breaking the bank," and "the only book you will need to get around the inbound marketsphere." According to one reviewer, "Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah have written THE book on how to get found."

HubSpot's promotional campaign for the Inbound Marketing book has been based largely on inbound marketing techniques such as blogging and social media promotion.  Since its release, rights have been purchased to translate the book into both Korean and Portuguese.

Follow the book's progress using Book Grader at http://book.grader.com/item/history/0470499311.

Purchase your copy of Inbound Marketing at http://bit.ly./inboundbook.

Originally published Nov 9, 2009 9:00:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


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