The Brand Show
Last Friday, HubSpot CEO & Founder and co-author of Inbound Marketing Brian Halligan was featured on the marketing podcast, The Brand Show, to discuss inbound marketing, the book and how marketers can transform their brands into lead-driving machines.

The Brand Show hosts Ethan Whitehill (CEO & Founder of Two West) and Lou Thurmon (Sr. VP Human Potential, Two West) chatted with Brian to highlight insights from his book, as well as other tips including:

  • A five-step process to create killer content that drives business to you
  • How LinkedIn can become a B2B brand's best friend
  • Why marketers need to embrace their inner Gretzky and "skate to where the puck is going"

Listen to the full podcast interview:

The Brand Show is a weekly podcast for marketing professionals who crave ideas, insight and inspiration. Through expert interviews and company profiles, The Brand Show helps listeners transform their brands for growth. The Brand Show is a product of Two West, Inc., a transformation design firm that helps retail, consumer and entertainment brands discover hidden shopper truths and design solutions that grow awareness, sales and distribution. 

Follow The Brand Show on Twitter @thebrandshow.

Originally published Nov 16, 2009 11:43:00 AM, updated January 17 2023