The Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) turned into one big party last Friday, with an event that brought an estimated 1,000 to the building in celebration of the CIC's 10th anniversary. 

Brian Halligan, Scott Kirsner
Brian Halligan and Scott Kirsner (don't let the name tag fool you)

The CIC, founded in 1999 and originally called the Cambridge Incubator, is home to HubSpot as well a number of start-ups, investors, recruiters, PR firms, foreign trade missions and other budding companies.  The CIC is well-recognized as a hub for innovative thinking and ideas in the Cambridge area, commonly attracting entrepreneurs emerging from MIT (e.g. HubSpot!). 

The CIC party began at 7 p.m. and included attractions on multiple floors of the building, welcoming connections from the past present and future that help make CIC strong and successful.  

HubSpot happily contributed to the day's events, hosting and sponsoring a special cocktail reception that attracted over 400 registrants.  The reception was held for attendees of the MIT Venture Capital Conference held earlier that day and included food, drinks and networking.

HubSpot MIT VC Cocktail Reception

Coverage of the CIC 10th Anniversary Event:

"Pics from Friday's 10th anniversary party at Cambridge Innovation Center" by Scott Kirsner  

"Cambridge Innovation Center Turns 10; Looking Inside a Landmark for Boston-Area Entrepreneurs" in Xconomy

"CIC's 10th Anniversary Party!" in CIC Blog

For more pictures from HubSpot's VC Cocktail Reception, check out the Flickr set.

Originally published Dec 8, 2009 10:49:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


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