Interactive Media Awards WinnerIt's my pleasure to announce that HubSpot's Twitter Grader has recently been honored with an Outstanding Achievement Award in the marketing category of the 2009 Interactive Media Awards (IMA)!

The Outstanding Achievement Award is the second highest honor bestowed by IMA and an extremely challenging award to win.  Websites honored with this award show excellence in all areas of the IMA judging criteria and represent a very high standard of planning, execution and overall professionalism. 

The Interactive Media Awards competition is open to individuals and organizations involved in designing, developing, managing, supporting and promoting websites.  Nominations are accepted from around the world from Web design firms, advertising agencies and corporate marketing departments, as well as individual web designers and graphic artists, among others.  

Twitter Grader LogoFor those of you who are unfamiliar with Twitter Grader, it is a free marketing tool for measuring the power of Twitter profiles. The tool assigns a numerical grade (ranging from zero to 100) that assesses a user's authority on Twitter based on factors such as their number of followers, the reach of the people following them and how often they post updates, in addition to offering a number of other valuable features.  See for yourself how you measure up at

This is the seventh award for Twitter Grader and HubSpot's fifth award in the Interactive Media Awards competition.  Other IMA winners include Website Grader and Press Release Grader

View the HubSpot IMA Awards Gallery here.

Check out a complete list of HubSpot's award wins at

Congratulations to the developers who have made Twitter Grader such an award-winning tool and to all of its users who have made it popular!

Originally published Dec 15, 2009 5:16:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


Social Media awards