MarketingSherpa Email SummitLooking for tips on how to improve your email marketing initiatives?  We're offering a special discount for the upcoming MarketingSherpa Email Summit Expo & Awards in Miami on January 20-22, 2010, and we'd love for you to take advantage of it (and the sun)!

The special offer is a whopping $600 off the Summit registration price tag (a $1,695 value).  So what's the catch?  None really - just make sure you register before the offer ends on December 31.  

What You'll Learn:

This year's Email Summit '10 is designed to equip attendees with proven tools, tips and strategies to conquer the top 7 challenges the MarketingSherpa team has identified through extensive market research:

  1. Delivering highly-relevant email content to recipients
  2. Competing with social media for recipients' time and attention
  3. Measuring and proving email marketing program ROI
  4. Getting people to opt-in to email lists
  5. Integrating databases with email systems
  6. Reducing the amount of legitimate emails perceived as spam
  7. Increasing email deliverability

The Summit's agenda features 34 speakers, 15 case studies, 3 expert panels and bonus training.  Speakers include the top opt-in marketers who are finding new ways to grow lists, engage prospects and improve ROI.  By the end of the conference, attendees will understand how to grow their database, increase ROI, improve deliverability, reduce costs, and expand opt-in marketing to social media, mobile and application marketing.

To view the Summit's full agenda, visit


To take advantage of this limited time offer, register exclusively at by December 31.

Need help convincing your boss to let you attend this year's Summit? Click here!  

Originally published Dec 16, 2009 12:24:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


Event Marketing