Today we released our first ever State of Facebook for Business report, which reports on data encompassing 120,000 Facebook pages and thousands of companies, showing that brand- and product-focused pages represent 39% of all pages. 

The report was generated based on data collected from Facebook Grader, one of HubSpot's free marketing tools that measures the marketing effectiveness of Facebook pages.

Additional Key Findings:

  • The brand/product category is the largest single category of Facebook pages.
  • Pages for local organizations and public figures each represent about 30% of the total Facebook pages.
  • About half of all Facebook pages have less than 500 fans.
  • Only 0.3% of Facebook pages have more than one million fans.
  • In aggregate, musicians and local businesses have the most fans.
  • Although they have fewer overall pages, Italy and the U.K. have more fans on a per-page basis than U.S. pages.
Download the full State of Facebook for Business report here.

In a live, 30-minute webinar this Wednesday, December 30 at 2 p.m. ET, HubSpot inbound marketing managers Rick Burnes and Jeanne Hopkins will review the findings of the study and present brand new data and case studies on how companies of all sizes and in all industries are using Facebook to achieve their business goals.

Hurry up!  We're capping off the webinar at 1,000 registrants, so register now ...

Free Report Webinar - Wednesday, December 30

State of Facebook for Business WebinarTo review the findings of the Facebook for Business Report, join us for a live, 30-minute webinar on December 30 at 2:00 p.m. Presented HubSpot's Rick Burnes and Jeanne Hopkins, the webinar will offer deeper insights into report's findings and cover several case studies of businesses using Facebook successfully.

Live Webinar: How Businesses Are Using Facebook - With New Data & Case Studies (30 minutes)

Originally published Dec 28, 2009 1:40:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


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