ClickZ today released a list of Social Media All-Stars, which I'm happy to report includes HubSpot's Brian Halligan in the top 20 and Dan Zarrella with an honClickZ Social Media All-Starsorable mention.

ClickZ's list aims to identify the true leaders of the social media space in a similar fashion as one would draft a fantasy baseball or football team.  The resulting "social media all-star team," compiled by ClickZ's Erik Qualman, is comprised of people who are the luminaries and pioneers of the social media frontier.

Brian Halligan is founder and CEO of HubSpot.  Previously, Brian worked as a venture partner at Longworth Ventures and held senior sales and marketing roles at Groove Networks and Parametric Technology Corporation.  Brian holds an MBA from MIT's Sloan School of Management. He is an Entrepreneur in Residence at MIT and serves on the board of directors for HOPe and MITX. Brian is author of Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs, published by Wiley in October 2009.

Dan Zarrella is Marketing Product Owner at HubSpot. Dan is an award-winning social, search, and viral marketing scientist and author of the O'Reilly media book, The Social Media Marketing Book. He has a background in web development and combines his programming capabilities with a passion for social marketing to create applications like the social URL shortener as well as TweetPsych. Dan has written extensively about the science of viral marketing, memetics and social communications on his own blog and for a variety of popular industry blogs.

Take a look at who else made the top 20: Gary Vaynerchuk, Brian Solis, Mari Smith, Shiv Singh, Clay Shirky, Peter Shankman, David Meerman Scott, Jeremiah Owyang, Lee Odden, Dave Morin, Scott Monty, Valeria Maltoni, Charlene Li, Guy Kawasaki, Mitch Joel, Seth Godin, Paul Gillin, Chris Brogan and Josh Bernoff. 

For full descriptions of the all-stars plus the list of honorable mentions, visit

To check out some of HubSpot's other awards, visit our Awards Page.

Originally published Jan 13, 2010 2:50:00 PM, updated January 17 2023

