PR 2.0 webinarIt's not too late to register for HubSpot's free webinar, "Why Social Media Participation Matters: PR 2.0 for Marketers" which will be presented live later today at 1 p.m. ET. 

The webinar, presented by Director of Marketing Jeanne Hopkins and myself, will teach registrants why PR 2.0 should be a part of their marketing mix.

People are bombarded with information, have shorter attention spans, and use online or mobile technology to log in for that shot of "instant gratification."  It's a 24-second "Feed Me, Seymour!" tweet cycle in a 24/7 conversation about brands, companies and products.  Today's webinar will compare PR 2.0 practices, which focus on getting found by creating content, to outdated, PR 1.0 tactics.

Specifically, the webinar will cover:

  • Best Practices for integrating social media tools into your marketing mix
  • Basics for Social Media Success
  • How HubSpot plans and executes its PR 2.0 program 

Register for today's webinar at to learn more about PR 2.0.

Originally published Jan 28, 2010 8:05:00 AM, updated January 17 2023