If you wander the halls of HubSpot, you'll frequently hear the phrase "We eat our own cooking."  What this means, is that we don't tell people to do anything we haven't already done ourselves. A similar term, Dogfooding, refers to when a company  also uses the products they make. We practice that one too.

It is not a requirement that our value added resellers use our product. However, many of them freely choose to purchase a HubSpot subscription for their own business, in addition to reselling the product to their clients. 

As Inbound Marketing experts, many of them have started eating the cooking too! But, instead of dogfood, they're serving five star cuisine!

Here's some great inbound marketing resources that some of our partners have published: 

  1. Kechange: Putting the Public Back in Public Relations
  2. PR 20/20: How to Build Your Internet Marketing Gameplan
  3. Web Image Designs: Free Inbound Marketing Worksheet
  4. Pull Not Push: 17 Ways to Get Found

Want to learn about how eating the cooking has helped the HubSpot Partners? Here's some great writeups from HubSpot VARs about the inbound marketing results they've achieved:

Register for the next VAR webinar on February 18th at 12pm EST to learn how you can dine with us too. We'll be relaunching the HubSpot Reseller Partner Program with several enhancements and additional benefits, including a robust inbound marketing training program, larger financial benefits and referral opportunities for our VARs.

Originally published Feb 15, 2010 9:03:00 AM, updated January 17 2023