The HubSpot Service Marketplace is adding 1 - 2 new services per month.  Last week, we announced a Do-Social-Media-Marketing-For-Me service and today, a Lead Nurturing package to help busy marketers and business owners convert more of their leads into customers.

What is this Service?

Inbound Marketing and HubSpot Certified Partners will create custom lead nurturing campaign(s) for HubSpot customers and non-customers starting at $100 per campaign.   A single lead nurturing campaign includes:

Why this Service?

Lead nurturing won't help you get new leads (you need to Get Found and Convert for that).  It helps you increase the likelihood that your leads turn into customers.

  1. You've Got to Show Some Love to Get Some (customers).  Don't let leads languish in the queue.  Research proves that following up with interested leads in the 1st week of conversion increases likelihood that they buy.  Send automatic followup emails with more information, links, other offers, etc. to keep your leads engaged and learning even when you haven't called them back yet.  When you do reach them, you'll have that much more to discuss!
  2. Talk to Your Most Qualified Leads When They're Most Ready to Buy.  Make the most of your and your staff's time.  Walk your leads down the buying path in an automated way by providing them information and prompts before a human even touches them.  According to Marketing Sherpa, 70% of your leads will end up buying something from you or one of your competitors, but they won't do it right away!  Automatic emails and offers let you keep progressing those leads down your funnel and stay top-of-mind so that when they are ready to buy, there's a good chance they'll buy from you, and not one of your competitors who has not shown them love along the way.
  3. Measure Results by tracking click-thru and unsubscribe rates Lead nurturing is easy to test to see whether your leads are engaged, close quickly and most often.

About the HubSpot Service Marketplace

Available services now include Call to Action designs, Landing Page Designs, Lead Nurturing, Social Media Marketing, Blog Writing, Video Production, Website Design and Do-Inbound-Marketing-For-Me.

Learn about the mission and details of the HubSpot Service Marketplace by reading Brian Halligan's Transforming the Marketing Services Industry.

Originally published Mar 8, 2010 11:12:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Lead Nurturing