Last year, HubSpot partnered with King Fish Media and Junta 42 for the first in a series of three studies on media and measurement. This year we're partnering with them again for the second study in this series: Social Media Usage, Attitudes and Measurability: What do Marketers Think?

Whereas the 2009 survey asked marketers about their use of custom content, the future allocation of their marketing dollars, and if they planned to ditch traditional marketing methods for shiny and new social ones, this year's survey launches from a very distinct vantage point: marketers are most definitely investing in social media. But while we may know that many companies have jumped on board, there's still a lot to learn about the usage habits, attitudes and future plans of marketers and other corporate executives.

That being the case, the questions this time around revolve around how marketers are measuring social media's effectiveness-qualitatively, quantitatively, or otherwise-as well as the design and management of their social media programs, and the different social media services/networks they're engaging with.

Needless to say, there's still a lot to learn, and we hope that with your collective feedback, we'll end up with a lot of useful information to share with you. In return for your time, we will offer participants exclusive access to the survey for one week prior to making it available to the general public and media. The results will be compiled into an e-book format and will be supplemented by an in-depth analysis.

So, without further ado, we introduce you to Social Media Usage, Attitudes and Measurability: What do Marketers Think? Please take a few minutes to offer your insight and feedback:

Originally published Apr 6, 2010 10:57:00 AM, updated January 17 2023