At the April Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Boston meeting, Douglas Simon (President and CEO of D S Simon Productions) caught up with HubSpot Founder and CEO Brian Halligan to discuss the future of public relations (PR) in the changing communications landscape.  In the resulting interview featured on Simon's video blog, "Vlog Views," Brian talks about how PR as an industry is currently on the precipice.

Check out the full video interview below:


And, for you folks who prefer reading over video-watching, check out some of Brian's key points below:

  • "Traditionally journalists needed PR people to feed them stories. Now they don't. They have Google Alerts so they don't need to be spoon fed."
  • "PR Agencies need to move into the marketing transformation business."
  • "Today it's really a winner take all environment (for businesses). The Internet pulls one player up and everyone else"
  • "The model of traditional marketing is broken as people are getting better and better at blocking it out."

For more on the changing nature of the public relations industry and why it needs to adapt to the new era of communications, check out some of Brian's insights on HubSpot's Inbound Internet Marketing Blog:

  1. Is PR Dead? 
  2. What's the Ideal Profile for a Modern PR Person?

Originally published May 5, 2010 2:17:00 PM, updated January 17 2023

