sxsw voteIt's that time again. South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive, the popular annual technology conference held in Austin, Texas, has collected session ideas, and now they want to hear from you about what you'd like to see at the event, to be held March 11-15. Because SXSW is a community-driven event, the voters' opinion accounts for 30% of the SXSW session decision-making process.

This year, HubSpot has several ideas in the PanelPicker interface, so we'd love to have your vote if you find any (or all) of them appealing.

Voting is Simple:

  1. describe the imageIf you haven't done so in past years, create a PanelPicker account.  Once you do, you'll receive a confirmation email; click the link in this email to verify your account.
  2. If you already have an account, sign in to the interface.
  3. Click on the links to any of our session ideas below, and click the thumbs up icon to vote!

Topic: Your Marketing Program is Broken: Fix It!

Speaker:  Brian Halligan

Description: Relying on cold calling, direct mail and print advertising to generate leads? Time to fix your marketing program. This session will teach you how to get with the times and use inbound marketing techniques like SEO, social media and blogging to attract prospects and turn them into living, breathing customers.

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Topic: Geek Marketing: Massive Momentum on a Minimal Budget

Speaker: Dharmesh Shah

Description: This session is a nuts and bolts workshop for developers, designers and other technically gifted people. Learn how to promote a new startup or application on a minimal budget. Move beyond the basics of using Twitter, Facebook and Google search optimization to get thousands of new users and customers. Get real-world examples of how some super-successful geeks got massive momentum on a minimal budget.

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Topic: Social Media Science: Engineering Contagious Ideas

Speaker: Dan Zarrella

Description: This session will detail the psychology, history, and sociology behind the spread of ideas. Drawing lessons from the pre-web world and statistics about social media including Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare, attendees will learn how to create content and ideas that spread like wildfire from person to person. There will be time at the end of the presentation for Q&A.

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Topic:  Marketing Lessons From the Grateful Dead (Based on the new Book!)

Speakers: Brian Halligan and David Meerman Scott

Description: What can internet marketers learn from cultural icon and American jam band, the Grateful Dead? The Grateful Dead is a great case study in contrarian marketing. Their marketing innovations spurred from doing the opposite of what other bands (and record labels) were doing at that time. Today's companies using social media can still learn from their success.

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Topic: Content Curation Is King

Speaker: Kipp Bodnar

Description: Never in the history of the world has more free information and data been public. Conversely, all of this data has created more noise for consumers, causing a need for information consolidation. This means that although original content is still important, the overflow of it has made curation the most important information-related activity on the web. Businesses and individuals who want to build credibility and reach online must become master curators of information. Through quality curation, they can become the pulse of an industry and the leader of a tribe.

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Like any of these ideas? We hope you'll take the opportunity to vote in the PanelPicker interface and share you feedback in the comments.  Don't delay -- voting ends at 11:59 CDT on Friday, August 27!

Thanks in advance for your votes! We hope to see you from the stage at SXSW Interactive in March.

Free Webinar: How to Market Your Business Like the Most Iconic Band in History

Grateful Dead

Join Bill Walton, Brian Halligan and David Meerman Scott as they discuss effective marketing strategies from the Grateful Dead.

Download the free, on-demand webinar now.

Originally published Aug 12, 2010 9:00:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Event Marketing Speaking