paintballIn a paintball battle of epic proportions, HubSpot will head to Boston Paintball this Sunday to face fellow Boston startup SCVNGR for some serious paintball bragging rights.

True, given the nature of the company, SCVNGR may have a little bit more experience in the way of "challenges," but they'd be wise not to undermine the competitive nature of HubSpotters, who also have a passion for competitive culture and been known to generate some heated in-house competition of their own (PongSpot, Iron Chef or March Madness Foosball, anyone?).  

"They're talking a lot of smack, which I think is a sign of weakness," said HubSpot Inbound Marketing Specialist Adam Enbar, who initiated the paintball duel against the SCVNGR team. "That said, I really can't wait to see those guys walk off the field Sunday covered in HubSpot-orange paint. HubSpotters may bleed HubSpot-orange, but the SCVNGR team is going to be painted in it."

The HubSpot paintball team is stacked with a diverse assortment of competition-hungry, inbound marketing rock stars -- from inbound marketing consultants and inbound marketing specialists to members of the marketing team, management team and development team.

Have a hunch that HubSpot will take home the paintball glory this weekend? Head over to BostInnovation to make your prediction, read more smack talk and show your support for the HubSpot team!

And SVNGR team be warned: We're not taking this lightly...

UPDATE: The results are in, with the SCVNGR team winning 4 of the 7 games played but HubSpot prevailing during the final round. A re-match may be in order...


Photo Credit: Andrés Aguiluz Rios

Originally published Oct 22, 2010 1:03:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


HubSpot Culture