If you missed the recent Google story in the news, this week the search engine giant announced it has given each of its 25,000 employees a $1,000 holiday bonus as well as a promised 10% (at the very least) salary raise, effective on January 1.

To chat about the story and discuss the prevalence of local companies' perks in a less than booming economy, WGBH TV, Boston's public broadcast, invited HubSpot Founder & CEO Brian Halligan to be on its Greater Boston show with host Emily Rooney last evening.

Brian joined Harvard Business School Historian Nancy Koehn and Mass High Tech Business Reporter Galen Moore to share his take on Google's business model and perks, which boast sleep pods, a game room, onsite gym, and free massages. 

Brian also talked about HubSpot's Mad Men-inspired post-modern culture and democratization of the workforce based on employee trust, as well as employee perks, including an unlimited vacation policy, free onsite beer, and a game room. 

Learn more about HubSpot's culture at http://www.hubspot.com/culture, watch the full segment above, or view the video on the WGBH website.

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Originally published Nov 11, 2010 10:37:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


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