Dreamforcedreamforce logo, one of the largest cloud computing conferences of the year hosted by Salesforce, has commenced today, and you can bet HubSpot is all over it. The event, held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco today through Thursday, brings together thousands of attendees as well as leaders in cloud computing to collaborate and learn.

Attending Dreamforce? Check out one -- or all -- of HubSpot's speakers!

Optimizing Your Website for Maximum Lead Flow

Tuesday, December 7, 12:45-1:45 PM PST with HubSpot VP Marketing Mike Volpe (@mvolpe)

Marketing Panel Discussion: Measuring the Impact of Social Media

Thursday, December 9, 8:30-9:30 AM PST with HubSpot CEO & Founder Brian Halligan (@bhalligan)

There's an App for That: How Marketing Execs Boost Real Results with the AppExchange

Thursday, December 9, 8:30-9:30 AM PST with HubSpot Partner Ilya Mirman (@ilyamirman) of VMTurbo

In addition to our speakers, we've also sent a number of representatives from HubSpot to Dreamforce. We encourage you to track one of them down (tweet at them or @HubSpot) if you're attending the conference and have questions about or interest in HubSpot:

  • Jenn Yorke and Beth Dunn (@bethdunn) - Customer Team
  • Dave Donlan - Sales Team
  • Leah Norris (@lenorris), Tim Dunne, and David Pier (@duckyboard) - Operations Team
  • Jordyne Wu (@jordyne) - Marketing and Business Development

HubSpot Reception

In addition, if you're in the San Francisco area for Dreamforce and are a HubSpot customer, partner, or someone who is just interested in finding out more about HubSpot, we're holding a special reception just for you. We hope you'll consider dropping by!

When: Wednesday, December 8 from 6-7:30 PM PST

When: The W Hotel (2nd Floor Library) -- Next to the Moscone Center

What: Bar, appetizers, Inbound Marketing books, and conversation!

We wish everyone safe travels to the event and hope you get the chance to meet up with one of us while you're there!

Free Webinar & eBook: Marketing Insights from 19 Marketing Experts

19 Marketing Experts Share Tips and Insights

Learn valuable marketing insights from experts speaking at the IMS, including Chris Brogan, David Meerman Scott, Dharmesh Shah, Christine Perkett, Steve Garfield, and more! 

View the on-demand webinar and download the 20+ page eBook!

Originally published Dec 6, 2010 10:25:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Event Marketing Speaking