Kirsten Knipp Headshot Brick WebSizeIntroducing Kirsten Knipp, HubSpot's master of product evangelism and December 2010 HubSpotter of the Month! A friendly face to many HubSpot customers, Kirsten hails as a pivotal player in the success of the first-ever HubSpot User Group (HUG) conference last October. She splits her time between Boston and Austin, so if you're ever in the Lone Star state and spot a tall, friendly female from HubSpot, y'all should feel free to say hi to Kirsten!

Read on to learn more about Kirsten, who just might be someone you should consider inviting to your holiday potluck dinner...

December 2010 HubSpotter of the Month: Kirsten Knipp

Title at HubSpot: Director of Product Evangelism

Role at HubSpot: I help create the messaging and content that explains how HubSpot can help small and midsize businesses grow via inbound marketing, including online materials, demos, customer case studies and webinars. I help spread the message about HubSpot's marketing software and value to bloggers, analysts, prospects, and anyone else who is interested. I also provide tools and training to the sales team, and in October I helped bring together the largest-ever gathering of inbound marketers at the first annual HUG conference!

How long have you been working at HubSpot? Since October, 2009. (Her 1-year anniversary with HubSpot was on HUG -- how appropriate!)

Favorite Thing About Working at HubSpot: A product that works, variety, and the people. I love marketing a product that totally delivers on its promise, is invigorating, and makes me proud to work here. It's also great to have data that helps us HubSpotters to make really sound decisions and makes me more confident about what I am doing. In addition, getting to do totally different things every day is scary but fun ... I feel stretched all the time and am learning a lot. It also helps that I work with one of the smartest groups of folks ever who make me think harder, be more creative, and grow a ton. Awesome.

the bellesHidden Talent:

If you could have one super power, what would it be? Teleporting. It would definitely help with my travel, food, and wine habits!

What is your best, random bit of advice for inbound marketers out there? Stop thinking your idea is bad, lame, or boring. Just write the darn blog post, and see what sticks!

What are your hobbies outside of HubSpot? Cooking, drinking wine, and traveling. Very simple. I did compete in and was one of the two semi-finalists in the HubSpot Iron Chef Competition, which is why I also spend a lot of time at the gym!

What is your favorite tool in the HubSpot software, and why? Sources. It's useful, sexy, data porn that does not require Excel.

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Originally published Dec 16, 2010 10:00:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


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