Chris HaddadKicking off a new year's worth of HubSpot stars, we're introducing our January 2011 HubSpotter of the Month, the one and only Christopher Haddad!

Read on to learn about why Chris loves working at HubSpot and why you might want to call upon his knitting skills if you're looking for a new scarf to keep you warm during this week's impending nor'easter.

January 2011 HubSpotter of the Month: Christopher Haddad

Title at HubSpot: Inbound Marketing Consultant (Large Team)

Role at HubSpot: As a Large IMC, I work with customers who have purchased the HubSpot Large platform and provide the premium consulting that comes with this product level. I help these customers adopt inbound marketing into their current marketing knowledge and continue working with them past the typical on-boarding process to ensure their success.

How long have you been working at HubSpot? 1 year this month! (Chris started at HubSpot in January, 2010. Happy HubSpotversary, Chris!)

Favorite Thing About Working at HubSpot: Other HubSpotters, and the freedom to (practically) say and do anything.

Hidden Talent: Aside from the knitting? I'm extremely observant.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? Oooh, so many choices. I'd be torn between flight, telepathy (but I'd have to be able to talk to others, not just mind-read), telekinesis, and walking through walls.

What is your best, random bit of advice for inbound marketers out there? If you're getting any amount of traffic to your site, focus on your conversion rates. More people should be giving you some level of contact information than not, and sometimes you'll need to be creative with your offers - even getting someone to subscribe to your newsletter counts as a conversion.

What are your hobbies outside of HubSpot? Outside HubSpot, I knit, ride my motorcycle, play (way too many) video games, and burn through my Netflix queue.

What is your favorite tool in the HubSpot software, and why? Hands down, Sources. I came to HubSpot because of Sources. At my last job, I knew I had made the right decision when I was asked to replicate how HubSpot's Sources Tool cuts up data, because the current web analytics tool was focusing on all the wrong metrics, and our CMO wanted what Sources could do. Unfortunately, due to the architecture of the solution (and the fact that I would be starting at HubSpot a mere 12 days later), I wasn't able to deliver on the request.

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Read about our previously featured HubSpotters of the Month here.

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Take HubSpot for a test drive and find out why Chris is so enamored with the Sources Tool.

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Originally published Jan 12, 2011 10:00:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


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