HubSpot Meetup in Las VegasDuring MarketingSherpa's 2011 Email Summit, HubSpot had the opportunity to host a meetup for our friends in Las Vegas. We gathered at Margaritaville, a bar where the tables are shaped like boats and pirates stroll around in stilts.

Despite the abundance of distractions in Vegas, about 30 people made it to the event and enjoyed some drinks and appetizers with us. Among our guests were best-selling author and keynote speaker, David Meerman Scott, along with some folks over at Slingshot SEO, emfluence and Pepper. The conversation jumped from discussions of the upcoming email marketing presentations to recommendations of grandiose shows to visit in Las Vegas.

Guests left the party with a business card in one hand and a drink in the other. We believe we struck a happy balance between a fun and productive night. Hope you will get to join us for upcoming meetups! 

View more photos here!

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Originally published Jan 28, 2011 10:41:00 AM, updated January 17 2023

