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Media Kit for PDF, PowerPoint

Publicizing your business is important, but it can be time-consuming. Simplify your media outreach and get noticed faster by using our free media kit in PDF or PowerPoint format.

    Download Free Template

    Available for PDF & PowerPoint

    Template Highlights

    • Download this comprehensive media kit template as a PowerPoint presentation or a PDF.
    • On the cover slide, customize the template with your company logo, business name, and tagline.
    • Provide a summary of your business and yourself. Include up-to-date contact information.
    • Add your social media statistics. Include Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and any other social media platforms that your business uses.
    • Include a relevant case study.
    • Highlight your business's key partnerships and collaborations.
    • Include a quote from a real customer that indicates their satisfaction with working with you in the past. Add the logos of some of your past customers.
    • Finish with a call to action and your contact information.

    Benefits of using our media kit template

    Using our free media kit template will help you:

    Save money

    Using a template is cost-effective, especially for small businesses that might not have the budget to hire professional designers.

    Have a professional look

    A well-designed template makes your media kit appear more professional, giving journalists and other parties a good first impression of your business.

    Get inspiration and ideas

    Our template may include elements you might not have thought to add, which can make your media kit more effective.

    Save time

    Our free press kit template has a prestructured format, which saves you from having to start from scratch. That way, you can create a professional-looking media kit faster by focusing on the content rather than the design.

    Be consistent

    Our free media kit template ensures consistency across your branding and promotional materials. This helps you maintain a professional image that makes your brand easily recognizable across platforms.

    What does HubSpot’s media kit template include?

    Our template includes the following sections:

    • Cover slide: A visually appealing cover page to make a solid first impression.
    • About me and contact sections: To provide details about yourself and your business, as well as contact information.
    • Social statistics: To add social media stats from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and any other social media channels your business uses.
    • Case studies: Real-life examples of how your business has benefited customers.
    • Partnerships/collaborations: To showcase your business's significant collaborations and partnerships.
    • Testimonials/brands: Positive feedback from satisfied customers to build credibility. You can also add logos of clients you've worked with.
    • Call to action: To guide the reader on what to do next.

    Tips for using our free media kit template

    Here are some best practices to follow as you use our template:

    Customize to fit your brand identity

    Adjust the colors, fonts, and images to align with your brand guidelines. This makes your media kit unique even though it's based on a template.

    Tell your story

    Use a compelling narrative to describe your business's journey, mission, and values to help media teams write more engaging articles.

    Update regularly

    Update your media kit with the latest information and achievements. An up-to-date media kit reflects your evolving brand and is more relevant.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A media kit (or press kit) is a set of promotional materials that helps media teams write about your business.

    The key details to add to your media kit include a summary of yourself and your business, contact details, social media statistics, customer testimonials, case studies, and info on collaborations and partnerships.

    Yes! Our template is completely free. Download our customizable media kit in PDF or PowerPoint format and start using it immediately.