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OKR for Excel, PDF, Google Sheets

Use this OKR template to set aggressive, ambitious goals for your company that are tied to key results.

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    Available for Excel & PDF & Google Sheets

    Template Highlights

    • Download the OKR as an Excel workbook or a PDF.
    • Add your company's name at the top of the template.
    • Enter your first objective. Include the key results that are tied to the objective.
    • Repeat for all of your organization's objectives. Make sure your key results are measurable.
    • Use the Progress column to track your results.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    OKR stands for "objectives and key results." KPI means "key performance indicators." OKR is a strategic framework to set ambitious, quantifiable goals for the future that are tied to results and push a team to perform better. KPIs are obtainable, strategic performance metrics that evaluate an organization's success with current operations and projects.

    OKR motivates an organization to achieve its goals. It is known for boosting productivity by keeping people focused on important goals without ignoring smaller activities. The framework is simple and it has proven successful for many high-profile companies, including Google.

    Choose objectives that will motivate the team to push themselves. Next, for each objective, define a few key results that are quantifiable and achievable. Check the team's progress with the key results over time. Keep objectives and key results public, so that everyone knows where they fit into the organization's OKR.

    You get a template! And you get a template! Our templates are as free as the giveaways at a taping of Oprah. Once you’ve entered your contact information, you can instantly download this template (along with all the other templates in this collection!). That’s it.