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One Page Business Plan for Word, PDF

Need to write a business plan but don’t know where to begin? Download our free 1-page business plan template for any type of company.

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    Available for Word & PDF

    Template Highlights

    • Eight (short) sections: Business Opportunity, Industry Analysis, Target Market, Company Description, Timeline, Marketing Plan, Financial Plan, and Funding Requirements.
    • Easy instructions for each part.
    • Zhuzh it up a bit with your company logo and branding.
    • Download it as a PDF or Word file.
    • Print it, email it, send it via Morse code.

    Why all businesses should create a business plan

    For startups and enterprises alike, there are many reasons to create a one-page business plan. For example, it can help you:

    • Show your progress and how you intend to grow: Your business plan lists vital information on your company, such as your goals, market research results, and success milestones.
    • Determine a realistic budget to ensure success: If you don’t create a proper plan, you might underestimate fixed and variable costs and, therefore, lack the financial capacity to succeed.
    • Provide concrete information to potential investors: By having a detailed business plan in place, you’ll be able to effectively convey your business goals to internal stakeholders, and you’ll stand a better chance of winning over investors.
    • Fulfill the requirements for securing a business loan: Many financial institutions won’t even consider giving you a loan without seeing your plan.

    Should you create a business plan from scratch?

    You can do this, but it’s often more hassle than it’s worth. If you’ve never made a business plan before, you’ll need to do a lot of research on what to include and ensure you create a professional and eye-catching document. 

    If you download our free one-page business plan template, you’ll save time and ensure you cover every relevant detail.

    How to use the one-page business plan template

    Here are the steps for filling out our template:

    1. Enter your contact details to download the template in Microsoft Word or as a PDF.
    2. Gather your relevant business documents, such as market research results and financial statements, in case you need to include details from them.  
    3. Add information to all the fields, including Company Description, Target Market, Industry Analysis, Implementation Timeline, Funding Required, and Financial Summary.
    4. Get feedback from business partners, employees, or other parties to ensure that all information is correct and up to date.
    5. Proofread to ensure there are no errors. These look unprofessional, leaving a bad impression of your business.  
    6. Save your business plan in various locations and formats. This helps you share your plan with stakeholders via email or present it at company meetings.

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    One Page Business Plan

    One-Page Business Plan Template

    This brief business plan template encourages you to stick to your core message and provide investors with just the information they need to know about your new venture.

    The Business Opportunity

    What is the problem your business will solve? Focus on the customer’s needs.

    Give your elevator pitch. Be succinct, clear, and persuasive.

    Be sure to include your value proposition -- What do you offer that no one else does?

    Industry Analysis

    List key factors for success in your industry.

    Who is your main competition?

    Company Description

    Identify important facts about your business:

    • Founding date

    • Location

    • Mission statement

    • Type of organization

    • Core strengths

    • Main leadership

    Target Market

    Describe your customer segments.

    Will you serve a particular geographical area?

    Implementation Timeline

    Provide a brief summary of how you will roll out the business. Consider depicting the different phases in a diagram. You can use the timeline below as a template.

    Marketing Plan

    Describe what methods you will use to acquire new customers.

    Why would your target market prefer your product or service to another option?

    Financial Summary

    Cost Structure: What are your fixed and variable costs?

    Revenue Streams: How will your business make money?

    Funding Required

    Present the amount of funding that you are seeking from investors and how it will be used.

    HubSpot Tip: Be sure to edit and review your plan for typos before distributing it. Errors in a short document can be distracting to the reader and make you look unprofessional.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Once you decide to start a company, you should brainstorm and gather details for your business plan. When it comes to actually writing, you should wait until you’ve got enough ideas and information to make the document worthwhile.

    Companies of all sizes should have a business plan. Whether you’re a sole proprietor or the CEO of a large enterprise, it’s a valuable asset that will shape your company’s future.

    Describe the problem your product will solve or opening you fill, what the industry is like, your target market, key facts about your business, your launch plan, how you'll market your product, the financial model, and how much funding you need.

    That depends on your goals. If you’re making a business plan for purely strategic reasons, it might focus on your company’s unique selling point, target market, and goals. 

    If you’re creating it for mainly financial reasons, it should provide detailed information on your company’s assets, expenses, and investment needs. 

    Whatever your reasons for creating a business plan, you should cover everything a reader would want to know.

    100% free. Once you’ve entered your contact information, you can instantly download this template (along with all the other templates in this collection!). That’s it. Once you’ve entered your contact information, you can instantly download this template (along with all the other templates in this collection!). That’s it.

    Yes. Replace our instructions with information about your business. If you want to replace a section with a different one, just change the title. To delete a section, highlight its outlines and delete them.