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Project Budget Template for Excel, PDF

Document your project plan with this customizable template.

    Download Free Template

    Available for Excel & PDF

    Template Highlights

    • Add the project name, its leader, and when it kicks off
    • Add the deliverables or project steps that need to get done, along with their labor costs, material costs, and fixed costs. The total will calculate automatically -- less work for you!
    • As you complete tasks, add their actual costs to the budget in Column M. The difference between the planned cost and actual will auto-calculate in Column N
    • You'll see the sum total of your planned costs in cell G4, as well as your actual spend and how far over or under you are
    • To add more tasks, simply click "Insert a new row"
    • Download it as a PDF or Excel file
    • Print it, email it, budge-it (get it?)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Start by calculating all the costs, from labor to materials. Review similar projects from the past to see what their budgets were and if you've missed any expenses, such as travel, special equipment, and overhead. Map projected spend to the timeline: how much money will you use at each stage of the project? After you've reviewed the numbers, you can finalize your budget.

    As free as can be. Once you’ve entered your contact information, you can instantly download this template (along with all the other templates in this collection!). That’s it.

    You definitely can.