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AI LinkedIn Ad Copy Generator

Leverage the expertise of HubSpot's Campaign Assistant to transform your LinkedIn ad ideas into beautifully crafted LinkedIn ad copy.
Generate LinkedIn Ad Copy
Campaign Assistant Generate LinkedIn Ad

Craft LinkedIn ad copy with AI

Drafting compelling ad copy just got faster and easier with HubSpot's AI tool for LinkedIn ads. Just tell Campaign Assistant the goal of your ad, provide keywords that fit your audience, pick a style that feels right for your brand, and let AI do the heavy lifting.

How to use Campaign Assistant for LinkedIn ads

Enhance efficiency with AI LinkedIn ad campaigns

Enhance your LinkedIn ad campaigns with Campaign Assistant, designed to streamline your efforts. HubSpot’s free AI LinkedIn ad generator enables you to be more efficient by harnessing the power of AI to create captivating LinkedIn ads, reducing the time and resources required compared to traditional copywriting methods.

Generate LinkedIn Ad Copy

Maximize LinkedIn ad campaign success with HubSpot

Campaign Assistant is your go-to tool for crafting effective LinkedIn ad copy, designed to resonate with your audience. Once your ad copy is ready, you can use our HubSpot Marketing Hub to enjoy even more advertising benefits.

By connecting your LinkedIn ad account to HubSpot Marketing Hub, you unlock a suite of features: from publishing your finely-tuned ads, to tracking their performance, and re-engaging with contacts.

What is a LinkedIn ad generator?

A LinkedIn Ad Generator is a cutting-edge tool that leverages artificial intelligence to craft compelling ad copy. It simplifies the ad creation process, making it more accessible and efficient. By feeding the AI basic information about your campaign, it produces optimized ad content, making your LinkedIn advertising efforts more effective and less time-consuming.

How to use HubSpot’s AI LinkedIn Ad Generator

Creating effective LinkedIn ads is a breeze with HubSpot's AI-powered Campaign Assistant. Here's a step-by-step approach to making the most of this innovative tool:

Step 1: Sign up or log inCampaign Assistant LinkedIn Ad Generator sign up screen

Start by signing up or logging into Campaign Assistant’s AI LinkedIn Ad Generator with a  HubSpot account. After you're logged in, go to your dashboard to start using the AI LinkedIn Ad Copy Generator tool.

Step 2: Define your ad goals

Begin by clearly outlining what you want your ad to achieve. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads? Your goals will guide the AI in crafting a message that resonates with your objectives.

Step 3: Define your key messages

Identify what unique aspects you want to communicate about your product or service. For example, if you’re a CRM software provider, your key messages might focus on “streamlining customer interactions” or “enhancing sales team productivity with advanced analytics”.

Step 4: Select your style

Your brand's voice is unique. Whether it's professional, casual, or somewhere in between, selecting the right tone ensures your ad copy aligns with your brand identity. This consistency is key to building trust and recognition among your audience.

Step 5: Refine and personalize

The tool develops LinkedIn ad copy from the information you provide. You can then adjust this copy to add a personal touch, incorporating your own ideas and details. This makes the ads more customized and engaging for specifics you want LinkedIn users to know about your product or service.

Step 6: Review and publish

Review the final ad copy for accuracy and alignment with your campaign goals. Once you're satisfied, you can either copy the content for use on LinkedIn or publish the ads directly through HubSpot.

Generate LinkedIn Ad Copy

Benefits of using HubSpot's LinkedIn Ad Generator

HubSpot's AI LinkedIn Ad Generator is more than just a time-saver. It's a powerful tool that transforms the way businesses create ads for LinkedIn. With its advanced AI technology, it brings a host of benefits that make ad creation simpler, more effective, and more aligned with your business goals.

Save time and effort

This tool takes over the time-consuming task of writing ad copy. By automating this process, it frees up your schedule, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business like strategy and growth. You'll spend less time on the details of ad creation and more on the big picture.

Speak to your audience

The AI in HubSpot’s LinkedIn Ad Generator allows you to input key messages about your product or service to target your desired audience more effectively. This means your ads can better engage and resonate with the people you want to reach.

Maintain consistent quality

Consistency is key in marketing, and the AI ensures that every piece of ad copy maintains a high standard. This consistency helps in building and maintaining a professional image for your brand. With AI, you can be confident that your ads will always be well-written and on-brand.

Tips for using an HubSpot's LinkedIn Ad Generator

To fully leverage the capabilities of HubSpot’s AI-powered LinkedIn Ad Generator, it's important to approach it with the right strategy. Here are some detailed tips to help you maximize its potential:

Be clear with your goal

When you start with a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with your LinkedIn ads, you set a strong foundation for success. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, or generating leads, being specific about your goals helps the AI create more focused and effective ad copy. Think about your desired  end result and communicate this to the AI tool. This clarity guides the AI in selecting the right tone, language, and content that aligns with your objectives.

Know your audience

A deep understanding of your target audience is crucial for creating ads that truly resonate. Consider their demographics, interests, pain points, and what motivates them. This knowledge allows you to tailor your key messages and style in a way that speaks directly to your audience's preferences and needs. With the right information, the LinkedInAd Copy Generator can craft messages that are more likely to engage and convert.

Experiment and learn

See what works best and continuously refine your approach based on the feedback and performance metrics you receive. This process of experimentation and learning helps in fine-tuning your ad campaigns for optimal results.

Integrate with your marketing strategy

For your LinkedIn ads to be truly effective, they need to be a cohesive part of your overall marketing strategy. Ensure that the AI-generated ad copy complements and reinforces your other marketing efforts. This integration helps maintain a consistent brand voice and message across all platforms and touchpoints. By aligning your AI-generated LinkedIn ads with your broader marketing goals and campaigns, you create a unified and powerful marketing presence.

Why they chose HubSpot's LinkedIn Ad Creator

Not just any LinkedIn Ad Builder — the right one for your needs:

"The Ad Assistant is what I love the most about Campaign Assistant."

"An invaluable asset for any organization looking to elevate its marketing and sales strategies to the next level!"

"Great app with lots of useful features"

And you?

What do you think of our LinkedIn Ad Maker? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

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Start your journey towards smarter LinkedIn advertising

Embrace the future of advertising with HubSpot's Campaign Assistant. This AI-powered tool is your key to more efficient, effective, and engaging LinkedIn advertising. Begin today and transform your digital advertising strategy with the power of AI.

Generate LinkedIn Ad Copy

Frequently Asked Questions

  • LinkedIn ad copy is the content showcased on a LinkedIn sponsored post or ad. When users browse LinkedIn, they often encounter sponsored content tailored to their professional interests. This text highlights the service, product, or opportunity for the Linkedin advertising campaign.

  • Campaign Assistant's AI for LinkedIn ads allows you to streamline ad copywriting, seamlessly connect with LinkedIn to track performance metrics, and save valuable time while enhancing your ad campaigns.

  • The "most effective" LinkedIn ads depend on your goals and audience. Sponsored Content is great for brand awareness, Message Ads offer direct, personalized engagement with higher conversion rates, and Dynamic Ads boost engagement through personalization. Choose based on your campaign objectives and target audience.

  • For effective LinkedIn Single Image Ads, use up to 150 characters in your intro text, a headline within 70 characters, and a description under 100 characters to avoid truncation. Incorporate high-quality images, a strong CTA, and a destination URL. Keep it concise, visually appealing, and direct for the best results.

  • Campaign Assistant is HubSpot's AI-powered tool that allows you to create landing page copy, marketing email copy, and ad copy for your next marketing campaign. You provide information about your campaign, choose a tone of voice that resonates with your brand, and select which type of asset you want to generate, and the tool will produce either a landing page, email, or ad.

  • You can start using Campaign Assistant in Public Beta by pressing the "Generate LinkedIn Ad Copy" buttons on this page. You'll be directed to the tool from these buttons.

    Once in the tool, you'll create a HubSpot account or login to your existing HubSpot account. This will allow you to utilize Campaign Assistant's AI.