Ryan Bonnici


Ryan Bonnici is a globally renowned digital marketing, social media and business expert. He is the Senior Director of Global Marketing at HubSpot, and has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider and Lifehacker. Over the past ten years, Ryan has held senior leadership roles at Salesforce, ExactTarget, and Microsoft.

Ryan is passionate about helping businesses of all sizes grow through the use of inbound marketing, combined with social media software, email marketing software, CRM software, project management software, and a range of other tools and strategies. On the very rare occasion when he's not focused on business and marketing, you will most likely find him kite surfing in the Caribbean, traveling through Europe, or relaxing on a beach with a book.

For more frequent updates on marketing, leadership & executive coaching and customer service, follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. PS: If you want to measure how well your team functions at work, check out his free tool: "Five Dysfunctions of a Team" Assessment.

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